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NewSUBARU Synchrotron

Overview | LIGA BL02 | BL05 | BL07 | BL09 and BL10

NewSUBARU Beamlines 09 (Long Undulator) and 10 (General purpose EUV)


Beamlines 09 and 10 from above


BL09 Long Undulator

The purpose of NewSUBARU beamline BL09A is to carry out microanalysis, surface analysis, and bulk analysis for various industrial materials with the use of the high brilliant light source of the Long Undulator (11m) with a high resolution monochromator. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (NEXAFS) and X-ray photo emission spectroscopy (XPS) at the soft X-ray region are available. A Soft X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) system with concave grating monochromator is under construction.

BL10 General purpose EUV

Beamline 10 is used for Extreme UltraViolet spectroscopy for measuring transmittance and reflectance of films and multilayers.


BL 09 and 10 monochromators

BL09/10 end station

BL 09 and 10 end stations

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