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Tree Planting Ceremony

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Tree planting

Toyama staff planting trees at the new factory site

On December 3rd 2013 Toyama had a Tree Planting Ceremony at the site of the new factory. This is to restore the forest that has been lost in clearing the original site.

Around 12,000 young trees were planted on the day by about 260 people including most of the staff of Toyama. Another 8000 trees will be planted in October 2014, with a total of about 20,000 trees being planted all together.

Tree planting

The young trees are pot grown seedlings of trees naitve to the area and therefore suited to the soil and climate conditions. A mixture of species are densely planted in a random order and mulched with straw to prevent moisture loss.

These trees should grow strongly and compete with each other to make a healthy authentic forest. Weeding will be done for the first three years but no other intervention will be needed as the growing forest develops naturally.

Tree planting

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